We are a partnership of churches and leaders working together to strengthen and multiply healthy churches to reach our cities.
The mission is big. We need to revitalize and plant hundreds of healthy growing churches and send our best leaders into our valley over the next 15 years just to keep up with our astounding population growth.
We are hoping to see a movement of God, drawing many people to himself and engaging the people of God in his plan to see His kingdom come to Idaho as it is in heaven.
The greatest leaders are always curious and teachable.
You’re not alone and we are here with you.
We can do more together.
We believe that with a multitude of counselors there is wisdom.
Our missional responsibility is to reproduce and send our best.
Churches plant churches so we want to help you multiply where you're called.
The Valley Network has 4 vehicles that we use to accomplish our mission.
Click on each to learn more about it.
We connect churches and leaders to each other for support & collaboration in networks. It’s impossible to do this work alone, so we establish and keep intentional repeatable rhythms for being friends on mission.
We help churches catalyze new churches & leaders. From disciples to leaders, churches to networks, creating and catalyzing reproducing movements is at the center of everything we do. We help new leaders develop under existing church leadership. We are committed to investing in the next generation of church leaders, which means creating apprenticeship pipelines for future church leaders in our valley.
We partner to prepare church planters in training environments of existing churches. Our residents are supported and given opportunities to prepare to launch their church plant.
We provide and/or suggest resources to churches & leaders for training and coaching around health, revitalization, growth, and multiplication. We keep the money at the edges of movement. Networks pool their resources (people, pennies, and platform) locally to multiply churches or send leaders together. No one should struggle to find resources.
The kingship of Jesus and seek to imitate his life, teaching, and example as the starting point for our faith. We put our faith in Christ and His work on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, responding to his invitation to join in the work of the Kingdom breaking in around us.
God has spoken through the inspired 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, and His word is authoritative for the church and His people.
Everyone needs to be transformed by the work of God through faith into a part of His family. Jesus’ call to discipleship requires that every person must be born again.
Our missional responsibility. We're committed to making disciples who make disciples and start new disciple-making communities, focusing on multiplication.
The Valley Network is led by local pastors and staff on mission for multiplication in the Treasure Valley.